increased population growth, a serious environmental problem
In fact, each country deals with the issue of environmental pollution in accordance with its economic situation, level of knowledge, and self-awareness and explores solutions. The approaches to tackling the issues of the environment in developed countries are different than the countries in developing, conflict-affected, and conflict ongoing countries.
As population growth has been an issue worldwide, but only developed countries had been able to maintain the growth. While developing countries which make the majority of the population of the world, have done nothing to control and prevent the increasing growth of population and have done nothing to prevent the explosion that horrible explosion of growth.
Without a doubt, the growth of population will be one of the biggest catastrophes that world history may witness and the developed countries will too see its impact. In general, there are some issues that are affecting all countries equally: increased population, drought, climate change and all of these factors could cause damage to the environment.
The increased population might not be an issue only for the underdeveloped and developing countries. This is an issue that all countries in the world, particularly developing countries face.
We can use Afghanistan as an example, we do not have a census in Afghanistan and cannot control the increasing growth of the population in Afghanistan. An increase in population in a country could pose so many problems. In addition to all these issues, pollution of the environment, including pollution of water and air, soil and losing natural resources are those issues which are caused by growth of population.
According to data, around 240 thousand people are born each day in the world, which means that 240 thousand more people need food each day. It means the growth of the population increase the consumption of resources. Without a doubt, when there is growth in population there is a need for food, clothes, and accommodation and in order to get them, the environment will be affected.
The first impact that population growth causes on the environment is the destruction of green space such as forests and reduced sources of water and others. In addition, it also causes environmental pollution which ends up causing various diseases.
The more the population grows, the level of resources on earth decreases. Humans always make efforts to bring facilities in life, and they may never think that to achieve facilities in life, they are causing degradation of the environment. It is better to pay attention to information, particularly about the increased population and its impact on the environment.
Increased population growth and concentration in a region have a direct impact on the quality of the environment. Population growth has caused poverty and degradation of the environment in developing countries, which has severely impacted the quality of life of people and the efforts of developing countries to attain sustainable development have gone in vain.
Water, soil, air, and other living things are four key sources of needs to which the existence of humans is concerned. Population growth resulted in a reduced rate of farming and water. Depreciation of soil, destruction of forests and pastures, and low quality of water are the consequences of the increased human populations. Those who leave rural life and move to big cities and settle in the vicinities of the cities make up the poorest people of the city, which severely pressurize the ability of the state to provide them employment, health services, and education. In brief, population growth causes degradation of the environment, and poverty and hard environmental conditions cause an unpleasant impact on people. That is why in developing countries, improper environment, is the main cause of death, diseases, and low quality of life. Women are also prone to health hazards posed by the environment and usually face more harm due to environmental problems. Due to the growth of population, unprecedented numbers of forest trees are cut and about 17 million hectares of forest vanish each year. Due to the destruction of forests and chemical pollution, each day 140 and annually 50000 various bushes and animals vanish from the earth forever.
Access to potable water to prevent diseases becomes difficult that directly affect the lives of children. Industrial countries use most of its water resources in the industry and commerce and in some of the industrial countries the demand for water increases; even though their population and agriculture in rural areas increase, some countries including developed and developing face a shortage of sustainable water and the shortage continues to increase while some countries already are in a dire situation.
The impact of the environment is the emergence of various physical and mental diseases which is a threat for future generations. The vast use of fuel gas in highly populated areas and using timbers as fuel, excessive use of toxic gases in industries, chemical chimneys in the houses, and burning garbage are the main problems of the highly populated cities. This issue caused depletion of the ozone layer and increase of ultraviolet rays to earth which increased environmental pollution and have a harmful effect on populations.
Discussing all aforementioned issues, it is better than both public and state pay attention to these issues. Regardless we want it or not, a day will come where we will face a shortage of natural resources.
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